is to champion the interests of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) across all disciplines and employment sectors. Working for positive systemic transformation, we strive to ensure that all women in these fields can achieve their full potential through...

Fair compensation without discrimination.
Equitable advancement without bias.
Exposure to successful role models in leadership positions.
Recognition and respect for all achievements.

The Georgia Chapter operates for charitable and educational purposes only to advance the vision of AWIS through the following endeavors:
Foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community through mentoring and networking forums.
Facilitate professional development workshops, seminars, and panels.
Contribute to work-life balance and/or integration with supportive resources.
Engage members with the greater scientific and lay communities through outreach programming.
Provide training in methods for approaching advocacy and public policy on current issues regarding women in STEM.
A Note from the President
Welcome to the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Georgia Chapter!
Based in Atlanta, our goal is to advance the vision of AWIS National throughout the state of Georgia and beyond. AWIS Georgia supports and empowers women in all fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in any employment sector. We host professional development, mentoring, networking, and social activities, as well as participate in local STEM outreach initiatives.
Our members hail from cities such as Atlanta, Decatur, Snellville, Milledgeville, Athens, Savannah, Valdosta, and more. No matter your location, we would love for you to become involved! I encourage you to attend our events, volunteer on a committee, become a partner, and/or enroll as an official sponsor. Join our extraordinary team of highly motivated, bright, and talented individuals, who together with the greater AWIS community, are reshaping the landscape for current and future generations of women in STEM!
Warmest wishes,
Kathryn Oliver, Ph.D.
Founder & President, AWIS Georgia Chapter